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My name is Andrea and i'm a Freelance Illustrator specialized in beauty and fashion.


I was borned in Argentina but I'm currently living and working in the beautiful Paris.

I did my art studies, with orientation in etching and printed art, in the National University of La Plata and i also have different complementary certifications in the fields of fashion illustration, confection and design.


My work goes from sketches of beauty products, lifestyle and runway shows, to portraits, illustrations for articles of general interest and design of motif and  fabric patterns.


The style of my drawings could be described as femenin and delicated but at the same time I try to put passion and personality in my characters, and this can occasionally take me to include different formats of written text in my sketches.


My work was published in magazines like "Style Cartel" (France - EE.UU), "Concept Mag" and "Trashweed Magazine", among others, and in the design of motifs and fabric patterns for selected products of the argentinian brand "Baby Buddies".


I also create and run for more than 4 years my own fashion brands in Latin América (click here for more information). This experience gave me a great knowledge in terms of management, study and design of a corporative image for a brand, that nowdays i translate and apply into my artwork.




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